Production Meeting:
We held a production meeting in our groups to be able to go over the script and annotate scenes and began starting to plan the lighting.
We separated into smaller groups to go through certain parts of the script and break down the script.
We also did our own research on the play as this is a important part of pre-production as you need to know the themes of the play and also many other important things like the era the play is set in so you can keep it in theme unless it is a contemporary play.

We also presented our rigging plan to the entire group to make sure everyone was okay with the overall plan. As the meeting took place we had someone take minutes (Essentially taking notes thoughout)

Equipment Listing :
We started to log what equipment we had available to us and what cabling we had to provide power to the fixtures we are using a distro to provide power to the fixtures and we are using socker cables, we made a equipment list to see what exactly we had available to us and also if anything was damaged or unable to be used. We also do this to make sure we are keeping track of what equipment we have and where its going/ being used or what is being used for essentially so we don't lose any equipment etc.

Gobo List:
1. 1 JukeBox B
2. 5 Leaves B
3. 2 Squares B
4. 6 Giraffe B
5. 2 Love B
Equipment List:
1. 3 S4 fresnels With 3 safety bonds.
2. 11 S4 Profiles With 11 Safety Bonds
3. 7 Par 64 With 2 safety Bonds
4. 1 S4 Profile With 1 Safety Bond
5. 3 VL 2500 Wash With 4 safety bonds
6. 3 Volkslits With 1 safety bond
7. 2 Sl Spot With 2 safety bonds
8. 2 EVE E-50Z Profile
9. 6 Core Pars With 6 safety bonds
1. 3 Soca pex
2. 1 63 Amp Cable
3. 13 Soca Extenders
4. 6 SocaPex Extenders
5. 8 16Amp Extensions
6. 10 16amp Y-Splits
7. 10 13-16amp
8. 3 Tcon Thru
9. 10 Power-Con
10. 7 5pin Dmx
11. 15 3pin Dmx
12. 2 F5-M3
13. 2 F3-M5
Production Schedule

Both groups decided to put a production schedule together as they are very important to the production process and are done in the pre-production part of the process as they will be used throughout the entire process to see whos doing what on what day and at what time and this will keep everything on track and everyone will know what they will be doing.
Rigg Plan :

Both groups had a shared rig plan so we did not have to do two separate ones instead, instead we would just change our specials and our gels in the fixtures. We also held a production meeting to discus the rig plan and made sure everyone agreed with it and everyone could add there own ideas to the plan, and throughout this meeting we had someone to hold the meeting and made a agenda and also someone taking minutes of the meeting.
Equipment Preparation:

We had to test all the equipment that was being used and make sure none of the fixtures had any faults, as they may have been damaged over time.
When testing the equipment you are looking for any possible damage to the fixture, any frayed wires or loose connections or broken lenses, or general damage to the fixture.
You are also making sure it works and the lamp is fine. Also, you are checking to make sure it has all its key components such as all its shutters and focusing nobs.
After Testing the fixtures we decided to label the dead fixtures in red tape and any working fixtures we labeled in grey so we knew witch ones had already been tested when we put them back in there flight cases, when all the fixtures where done we then labeled the flight cases and wrote if they all were working or not and make the date of testing so when we go to test them again we know when it was last done and what was wrong.

The Rigging Prosses:
Running Cables From Distro:

Patching one to one on the distro using IEC cables makeing sure the power is always off if you aare patching or running cables

we ran multiple Socapexs cables from the distro and ran them up as a tripe to the rig and distributed power across to the different fixtures we had placed so they could have power.
After this we then patched them into the desk.
Focusing The Fixtures:
Focusing the fixtures is a key part especially for our rig as it mainly included conventional fixtures that have to be hard focused, by going up a ladder to focus and add special's into them such as gobos or filters.
We focused the fixtures so we would have a wash of profiles from the back and then have our specials with breakup gobos towards the front.
We also had another profile backlighting and we moved the shutters inwards to create a box shape highlighting the set pieces.
We also did a general focus which both groups used as a baseplate.

Focusing Video:


We then could begin to plot our lighting after we had rigged, Focused and patched the fixtures into the desk and patched them one to one on the distro.
We followed the script and did a basic pot of our cues and did the sound effects on Qlab as we went along so we could also plot the lighting to go along with the sound as we had strong beams of light to go along with the sound effect of power surges which worked well together.