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Stage Managment:

Stage Management:

Stage Management is a very important part of a production as they make sure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes this includes different job roles such as a DSM (Deputy Stage Manager) and an ASM (Assistant stage manager)

Job Roles:


Team Members:


Team Members: 

ASM – (Assistant Stage Manager) Gather all rehearsals, props and furniture Runs rehearsals and errands Durning the tech and performances lays out the props. Maintains and resets all props. Assists the DSM A shout check is done before every show making sure everything is there and in its place. 


SM - (Stage Manager) Overall control of the team, In charge of the budget for SM and props. Runs the tech in production week. Runs the show. 


DSM – (Deputy Stage Manager) Calls the cues in charge of props, needs to be present in rehearsals full time. They create daily reports and call sheets they create the prompt copy Runs/Calls the show. Takes notes from blocking, learns show. Makes sure the props are ready, must keep the show going.  


CM (Stage Management) Pastoral care and welfare of the creative team. Payroll. Contracts. Union rules and regulations. Works closely with the stage manager, as well as the creative teams and producers. 

Mark Ups:

Mark ups are very important in stage management, as they need to be used in rehearsal rooms so the actors know where set pieces are or walls and such you do this by making a plan and then using lx tape to mark it out on the floor and you can use different colors of lx tape to do so

Tech Rehearsals:

  • Dry Tech - A run through without actors. 

  • Plot - Organizing putting it all together. 

  • Walking the set – Having somewhere to see if there's enough light. 

  • Cue to Cue – Skipping to the next cue missing dialogue time saving. 

  • TWAR - Technical work as required. 

  • Production desks – Desk in the audience sound & lighting and production team. 

  • Fly Plot – Plotting what scenery needs to be there. 

  • Setting list – Where things need to be props etc. DSM makes them. 

  • Shout Check – Checking all the props are there. 

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