Qlab is used widely in theatre and for other productions or shows, you can do things such as sound, projection and lighting from cue lab and can be operated in diffrent ways either by a certain person but usually the DSM (Deputy stage manager) would opperate cue lab. Qlab allows you to upload multiple files like diffrent sounds and can all be opperated by one software.
Multimedia show control software:
In QLab, a cue is a marker for an action to take place in the program. When triggered, a cue executes an operation.
Video images
Text & still images
Audio playback
Video playback
This allows a designer to add video files to their cue lists, allowing them to be time aligned with other cues, including audio files.
MIDI integration
QLab supports MIDI bi-directionally. This allows MIDI signals to be added as a cue to trigger other devices, such as audio consoles.
Live playback
A key software feature with QLab is its ease of use in live playback situations. A cue sheet can save their show file, and lock it, preventing any changes to the cues. A
We used Q lab to add our sound effects together. it is also useful for cueing Audio Visual effects and perhaps lighting
QLab allows a designer put audio files in a order, once the audio files are added into the cue list, you can then manipulate it by looping it, changing the amplitude or volume, also being able to add fades in or out. Audio cues can also be placed into groups, so that files can be triggered at the same time.
Go Button you can also press space.
Where all the cues are listed
Adding Fades:
You can add different types of fades onto the cue lab and you can change stuff such as the timing of the fade like how long it will take to fade out. Meaning if you wanted to change the duration of the fade you can. There is other things that are possible like changeing the curve of the fase.